Night Walks NYC

Oil on cardboard 2021 € 4500,—

Night Walks in NYC

In my search for new images I return to an old love. The Twilight. The moment of twilight when day turns into night.

In the past mainly because of the atmosphere. Now a means to achieve a simpler visual language. Details disappear, color changes, large shapes determine the layout.

The mood also changes. There is something melancholy about the early evening. Everything withdraws, the light, man.

It used to be geometric shapes that added an extra layer to the figurative work. In Night Walks I found that extra dimension in the punched pattern of an organ book.

A pattern that repeats but is not immediately recognizable.

Similar to the rhythm of lighting in the evening.

The Allemande from Bach’s first Partita has been punched out in this organ book especially for Night Walks.

The Twilight.

NY Night Walks

Nowhere have I seen the light so beautiful

Blindingly bright, nothing hidden from view

But it wasn’t until dusk that brought what I was looking for

The negatives of the day

Melancholy and beauty of a city in one

I look at my organ book and listen…


Bach, Partita no. 1 in B Flat, BWV 825 Allemande

Simone Dinnerstein Brooklyn NYC